Administration Features |
Define categories, cities and occasions |
Define past, current and/or future years for administration use |
Create text ads for a category, a city, or a specific occasion (with an optional graphic background) |
Import custom graphic ads |
Import photographs from removable flash media, directly from a camera, or CD(s), changing a photo's orientation if needed or omitting the photo from import |
Generate preview CD(s) for your clients containing all web photos of the occasion |
Upload small and large versions of an occasion's web photos to the internet (requires high speed DSL or cable internet connection *not included*) |
Offload original photographs to CDR, CDRW, DVD-R, or DVD-RW media |
Reload original photographs from CDR, CDRW, DVD-R, or DVD-RW media |
Delete original photos |
Delete kiosk/web photos |
Search database for photo orders |
Search database for occasion information |
Process imported original photographs: |
* |
Generate enhanced and/or black and white photos from imported originals |
* |
Generate web photos (for display on the internet) with optional branding of your company name and/or phone number |
* |
Optionally add a beveled frame for the kiosk/web photos |
* |
Imported original photos from camera remain un-altered (exception: photos whose orientation has been changed) |
Easy kiosk configuration: |
* |
Define past, current and/or future years for kiosk users to select from |
* |
Define photographer biography, history or other info of your choosing |
* |
Add/Delete products for clients to purchase |
* |
Define sales tax rate per category |
* |
Define company info for printed photo order |
* |
Toggle kiosk between display only mode and photo ordering mode |