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iTouchPhoto System
Kiosk Features
Easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Photographer or kiosk users make 3 selections to view photos... 1)Date 2)City and 3)Name of Occasion
Friendly user error recovery
High level category organization
Displays custom message to your clients
View enlarged photos for more detail
Potentially display photographer biography
Display up to 7,992 photos per each occasion
Can run in display only mode (users are unaware that photo ordering is possible)
Can run in ordering mode (users can order up to 5 of your best selling products per photo)
Photographer sets option for ordering color photos only, black and white photos only, or user can select their choice (per unique photo)
Prints 1 to 4 copies of client's photo order
All photo orders saved to database
No special pointer or devices needed (human finger required for operation)
Photographer decides what is viewable by the kiosk users (primarily via the administration application). The photographer controls:
* What category the kiosk will display (controlled thru the kiosk application)
* What date (years) are available to select from
* What city/cities are available to select from
* What occasion(s) are available for viewing by your current audience
* Photographer can lock kiosk users in the photo viewing area for a specific occasion
Administration Features
Define categories, cities and occasions
Define past, current and/or future years for administration use
Create text ads for a category, a city, or a specific occasion (with an optional graphic background)
Import custom graphic ads
Import photographs from removable flash media, directly from a camera, or CD(s), changing a photo's orientation if needed or omitting the photo from import
Generate preview CD(s) for your clients containing all web photos of the occasion
Upload small and large versions of an occasion's web photos to the internet (requires high speed DSL or cable internet connection *not included*)
Offload original photographs to CDR, CDRW, DVD-R, or DVD-RW media
Reload original photographs from CDR, CDRW, DVD-R, or DVD-RW media
Delete original photos
Delete kiosk/web photos
Search database for photo orders
Search database for occasion information
Process imported original photographs:
* Generate enhanced and/or black and white photos from imported originals
* Generate web photos (for display on the internet) with optional branding of your company name and/or phone number
* Optionally add a beveled frame for the kiosk/web photos
* Imported original photos from camera remain un-altered (exception: photos whose orientation has been changed)
Easy kiosk configuration:
* Define past, current and/or future years for kiosk users to select from
* Define photographer biography, history or other info of your choosing
* Add/Delete products for clients to purchase
* Define sales tax rate per category
* Define company info for printed photo order
* Toggle kiosk between display only mode and photo ordering mode
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